String Handling Assignment

Q.1 Write a program to find the length of the string "refrigerator" without using length function.

Q.2 Write a program to check if the letter 'e' is present in the word 'Umbrella'.

Q.3 Write a program to check if the word 'orange' is present in the "This is orange juice".

Q.4 Write a program to find the first and the last occurrence of the letter 'o' in "Hello, World".

Q.5 Write the string after the first occurrence of ',' and the string after the last occurrence of ',' in the string "Hello, Good, Morning". World".

Q.6 Write a program to find the number of vowels, consonants, digits and white space characters in a string.

Q.7 Write a program to make a new string with all the consonants deleted from the string "Hello, have a good day".

Q.8 Write a program to Print duplicate characters from String.

Q.9 Write a program to check if two Strings are anagrams of each other.

Two strings are anagrams if they are written using the same exact letters, ignoring space, punctuation, and capitalization. Each letter should have the same count in both strings. For example, the Army and Mary are an anagram of each other.

Q. 10 Write a program to program to print first non repeated character from String?

Find the first non-repeated (unique) character in a given string. for Example, if given String is "Morning" then it should print "M".

Q.11 Write a program which will print reverse of string with five different ways.

Q.12 Write a program to check if a String contains only digits?

Q.13 Write a program to convert numeric String to an int? For example, if you pass "67263" to the program then it should return 67263.

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