M1L1 - Introduction To Multi Threading

Java Multithreading

Java is a robust and popular programming language that is widely used for developing a variety of applications. One of the key features of Java is its ability to handle multi threading effectively. Multi threading allows a program to execute multiple tasks concurrently, thereby making it more efficient and responsive. In this lesson, we will explore how Java handles multi threading and understand the various mechanisms and techniques that it provides.

The core of Java's multi threading support lies in its thread model. Java provides a built-in Thread class that represents an independent path of execution within a program. By creating multiple instances of the Thread class, we can achieve concurrent execution of multiple tasks. Java also provides several synchronization mechanisms such as synchronized blocks and locks to ensure that threads can safely access shared resources without causing data corruption or inconsistency.

Java also provides a rich set of APIs and libraries for managing multi threading. The java.util.concurrent package contains classes and interfaces that facilitate task scheduling, parallel execution, and synchronization. For example, the Executor framework allows us to submit and manage tasks in a thread pool, which provides improved performance and resource management. The java.util.concurrent.locks package provides more advanced locking mechanisms such as ReentrantLock and Condition, which can be used for fine-grained control over synchronization.

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