M1L2 - Life Cycle Of Threads

Java threads are a fundamental part of the Java programming language, and understanding their life cycle is essential to effectively manage and utilize them. The life cycle of a Java thread refers to the different states that a thread can be in during its execution. Understanding the life cycle allows developers to control the behavior of threads and make their programs more efficient.

The life cycle of a Java thread consists of several states: new, runnable, blocked, waiting, timed waiting, and terminated. The new state is the initial state of a thread when it is first created. In this state, the thread is not yet scheduled for execution. The runnable state is when the thread is eligible to run, but it may not be currently executing. Threads in the blocked state are waiting for a lock to be released, and threads in the waiting state are waiting indefinitely until another thread notifies them. Threads in the timed waiting state are waiting for a specified period of time before they can execute. Finally, threads in the terminated state have completed their execution or have been terminated abruptly due to an exceptional condition.

Understanding the life cycle of a Java thread allows developers to control the flow and behavior of their programs. For example, by using methods such as wait() and notify(), developers can implement synchronization and communication between threads. This is especially useful in multi-threaded applications where multiple threads share resources and need to coordinate their execution. Developers can also use methods such as sleep() and join() to control the timing and order of thread execution. By utilizing these methods and understanding the life cycle of Java threads, developers can create more efficient and reliable programs.

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